HTA Seminar Series on Use of Health Economic Evaluation in Healthcare Policy Development

A series of HTA seminars exploring the usefulness and limitations of using health economic evaluations in healthcare policy development was conducted from Jun to December 2018. An accumulated total of over 230 participants from NUS, restructured hospitals, the Ministry of Health, the Health Promotion Board and private industry attended the seminars. The seminars addressed topics such as decision analysis tools, cost-effectiveness thresholds and ethics in resource allocation.

Description on the individual seminars and materials presented are accessible from the links below:

1st and 2nd HTA Seminars on Economic evaluation in healthcare programmes and interventions and The greatest happiness of the greatest number? Experience use of economic evaluation evidence to inform policy decisions

3rd HTA Seminar on Can we be more systematic? The role of MCDA in informing policy decisions

4th HTA Seminar on Can we be more consistent? The issues of the cost-effectiveness threshold

5th HTA Seminar on Ethical issues in health resource allocation

6th HTA Seminar on Future of health economic evaluation