Event Details

Date: 8 & 9 January 2019 (Tuesday & Wednesday)

Time: 9.00am to 5.30pm (Day 1), 8.45am to 5.45pm (Day 2)

Venue: National University of Singapore (NUS), Lecture Theatre 35, Block MD6, Centre for Translational Medicine, 14 Medical Drive, Singapore 117599

Light refreshments will be provided

Our Inaugural Training and Symposium on Health Technology Assessment

Selecting the Highest Value Care took place on 8-9 January 2019 and saw over 80 policymakers, healthcare professionals, researchers and academia come together to gain a better understanding of HTA through the use of lectures, case studies, group discussions and practical exercises. You can read more about the event here. (link to NUS and HIPER website write-ups on the event.)


In addition, a series of HTA seminars exploring the usefulness and limitations of using health economic evaluations in healthcare policy development was conducted from Jun to December 2018. An accumulated total of over 230 participants from NUS, restructured hospitals, the Ministry of Health, the Health Promotion Board and private industry attended the seminars. The seminars addressed topics such as decision analysis tools, cost-effectiveness thresholds and ethics in resource allocation. You can read more about the event here. (link to write-up on HIPER website events page.)


To send in an enquiry regarding a potential capacity building proposal, please download the following Project Enquiry Form, fill in the relevant details, and send it in to hiper@nus.edu.sg

Service Advise and Research: Evaluations & consulting

HIPER performs applied health economics and outcomes research for governments, global funders and NGOs. It also provides consulting services and advisory work to other stakeholder organisations,under conditions according to HIPER’s policy (see further below).


Scientific advice and research include work in the following areas:


  • Economic modelling
  • System level HTA evaluations
  • Costing studies
  • Outcomes research
  • Behavioural economics analysis
  • Health policy analysis


Please note that an independent advisory committee under the Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, NUS, will review and make decisions on all project proposals. In addition, guidelines used in the economic evaluation and assessment work will be determined by HIPER. HIPER’s decision to publicise the work and related data is also independent from the interest of the client organisation.


To send in an enquiry regarding a potential project proposal, please download the following Project Enquiry Form, fill in the relevant details, and send it in to hiper@nus.edu.sg