Date: 23-24 February, 2023
Time: 9am – 5.30pm (SGT)
Format: In-person
Venue: NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health
Tahir Foundation Building (MD1)
Join us at the Health Intervention and Policy Evaluation Research (HIPER) Symposium 2023 where experts from health technology assessment (HTA) agencies, clinical innovators, policy makers and the industry will be sharing their experience and the latest developments in HTA. The symposium seeks to engage stakeholders in the entire healthcare ecosystem and equip all participants with the knowledge to contribute to the HTA process.
We will develop an understanding of how healthcare is financed in Singapore. We will then examine current practices in evaluation and reimbursement of digital health technologies globally and discuss how these practices may be relevant for Singapore and other Asian countries.
We will equip our healthcare professionals with an understanding of the HTA process for drugs, and the symbiotic relationship between clinical practice and HTA. We hope that the learning and networking opportunities from the symposium will spur greater appreciation for HTA, and shape the field and practice of HTA in Asia in the years to come.
![]() | Prof Gillian Leng, CBE Visiting Professor, NUS Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, Former Chief Executive of NICE Gillian Leng has had a long career in academia and public service, supporting quality improvement through the use of evidence-based guidelines and policy. As a junior doctor she was struck by variations in clinical practice and this developed into a passion for using evidence to improve care. Her career has spanned research, evidence synthesis, management, healthcare and the life sciences. She spent over 20 years in senior roles at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence, becoming only its second Chief Executive. She has worked closely with government on new policy developments, including the Office for Life Sciences, BEIS, DHSC, the Department for Education and the What Works Centres. Gillian trained in medicine at Leeds, worked on clinical trials and epidemiological research in Edinburgh, and was a public health consultant in London. She is now the Dean at the Royal Society of Medicine, on the Board of Radar Healthcare and a trustee of the Cochrane Collaboration and the Guidelines International Network. She is also a visiting professor at King’s College London and an affiliate professor at the National University of Singapore. |
![]() | Prof Amanda Adler Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Health Policy, Oxford University Amanda Adler trained in economics, medicine, epidemiology, pharmacoepidemiology and pharmacovigilance. She is Professor of Diabetic Medicine and Health Policy, and directs the Diabetes Trails Unit, at Oxford University. She chairs WHO’s Technical Advisory Group on Diabetes. She chaired a Technology Appraisal Committee at the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) for 12 years that evaluated more than 130 drugs and devices across all disease areas. She chaired the NICE/NHS England/NHS Improvement committee to develop innovative models for evaluating and purchasing antimicrobials, a clinical guideline for Type 2 Diabetes, and the Quality Standard for Diabetes. She sees patients in two NHS hospitals in Cambridge. She is a Commissioner on the Commission on Human Medicines (CHM) and chairs its Cardiovascular, Diabetes, Renal, Respiratory and Allergy Expert Advisory Group. Professor Adler supports projects that set priorities under universal health coverage working with NICE Scientific Advice, NICE International, the International Decision Support Initiative (iDSI), the World Bank, and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD). In 2019, she received an award for Distinguished Contribution to NICE at the Parliamentary ceremony celebrating NICE’s 20th anniversary. |
![]() | Mr Chan Beng Seng Deputy CEO, ALPS Pte Ltd Mr Chan Beng Seng is the Deputy Chief Executive Officer at ALPS, which procures and manages the supply chain for the public healthcare sector and beyond. Concurrently, Beng Seng serves as an Advisor to the MOH Healthcare Financing Group. Prior to joining ALPS, Beng Seng was the Group Director of Healthcare Finance in MOH, where he oversaw healthcare financing policies including subsidies+3M and subvention for hospital, primary care and long-term care across the public and private sectors. His experience in the civil service spanned more than 25 years in roles such as Deputy Chief Executive at the People’s Association, Divisional Director of Income Security Policy at the Ministry of Manpower, Director of Sea Transport at the Ministry of Transport, and as a Board Member of the Singapore Public Utilities Board. Beng Seng holds a Masters in Business Administration from the Harvard Business School and a Bachelors in Economics from the London School of Economics and Political Science. |
![]() | Dr Hong Ju Senior Principal Lead Specialist, Agency for Care Effectiveness, Ministry of Health, Singapore Dr Hong Ju is an experienced clinician-trained epidemiologist and has worked in different sectors including government and universities across multiple countries. She obtained her PhD in Epidemiology from The University of Queensland, and is also skilled in Health Technology Assessment (HTA), Evidence-based Medicine, Health Service research, and Data Analyses. Apart from clinical practice, her experiences include conducting HTA for PBAC and MSAC for Australia government, and setting up evaluation framework and process for HTA activities to support the uptake of new and emerging medical technologies for Queensland Department of Health. |
![]() | A/P Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai Program Leader and Senior Researcher, HITAP, Thailand Dr Wanrudee Isaranuwatchai is a Program Leader and Senior Researcher of the Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program (HITAP), which is a semi-autonomous research institute of Thailand’s Ministry of Public Health in Bangkok, Thailand. She is also an Affiliated Scientist at St. Michael’s Hospital, and an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation, University of Toronto, in Canada. Her research focuses on how to apply health economics and health technology assessment (HTA) in the real-world setting as well as how to advance methods in economic evaluation. She has collaborated with researchers, health professionals, and policy-makers in various areas to help communicate the value of health initiatives using economic evidence around the world (e.g., Bhutan, Kenya, and Canada). She has contributed to the training on HTA to support universal health coverage (UHC) and health systems in Asia, Africa, and North America. Dr Isaranuwatchai is dedicated to the creation and use of evidence in healthcare decision making. |
![]() | A/P Ngiam Kee Yuan Group Chief Technology Officer, National University Health System, Singapore A/Prof Ngiam is a Senior Consultant at the Division of Endocrine & Thyroid Surgery at the National University Hospital, specialising in Endocrine and Thyroid surgical disorders. Following his Advanced Specialist Training in General Surgery, he was awarded a fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and was accredited as a surgical specialist by the Specialist Accreditation Board, Singapore in 2012. He received the Higher Manpower Development Program Award in 2012 to complete a Fellowship in Metabolic and Endocrine Surgery in Taiwan. He received further training in robotic thyroid surgery at the Seoul National University Hospital, South Korea. He was awarded the ExxonMobil-NUS Research Fellowship for Clinicians in 2007 and his research interests include robotic and endoscopic thyroid surgery, thyroid cancer, parathyroid surgery, digital health and artificial intelligence. |
![]() | Ms Fiona Pearce Senior Advisor, Agency for Care Effectiveness, Ministry of Health, Singapore Fiona Pearce is a Senior Advisor to the Agency for Care Effectiveness (ACE), Singapore’s national HTA agency, providing technical support to the Health Technology Assessment (HTA) and Consumer Engagement and Education (CEE) work streams. She is one of the founding members of ACE and was responsible for developing the HTA methods and processes which the agency uses to conduct evaluations of drugs and vaccines to inform national subsidy decisions. She was also involved in establishing Singapore’s national Rare Disease Fund in 2019 which provides long-term, financial support to patients with rare genetic diseases who require high cost treatments. |
![]() | Dr Yot Teerawatthananon Founding Leader, Health Intervention and Technology Assessment Program, Thailand, Visiting Professor, Saw Swee Hock School of Public Health, National University of Singapore Dr Yot Teerawattananon is a Founding Leader of the HITAP of the Thai Ministry of Public Health of which its works have been used to inform health benefit package of the Universal Health Coverage Scheme. He previously served as a medical doctor and director of Pong Hospital in northern Thailand before completing his Ph.D. in Health Economics from UK in 2006. Dr Yot has provided technical advice to many national and international agencies such as the Gates Foundation, WHO, World Bank, Asian Development Bank and the Centre for Global Development (CGD), giving him a broad knowledge of key is-sues in global health. He has also worked in Bhutan, India, Indonesia, Kenya, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, the Philippines, and Vietnam. He is also featured in the World Health Report 2013 of the World Health Organization as a role model organization informing policy decisions to support Universal Health Coverage in resource limited settings. Dr Yot is also one of the founders of HTAsiaLink a regional network comprising of governmental health technology assessment agencies throughout Asia. |
Category | 1-Day Pass (SGD) | 2-Day Pass (SGD) |
Patient group/ Start-up/ Students/ LMIC1 | $ 216.00 | $ 345.60 |
NUS Partners2 | $ 270.00 | $ 432.00 |
Public sector/NGOs | $ 324.00 | $ 518.40 |
Private sector | $ 1,296.00 | $ 2,073.60 |
*Fees indicated above are inclusive of 8% Singapore GST and are non-refundable.
1) There are limited slots available for participants under the Student/LMIC category. For the definition of LMIC, it will follow the World Bank’s definition.
2) Partners refer to staff under the NUHS cluster (including NUH, NTFGH, AH, JCH, NUP, National University Cancer Institute Singapore, National University Heart Centre Singapore, National University Centre for Oral Health Singapore, Centre for Innovation in Healthcare), HTAsiaLink & iDSI members.
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